Life is changing, and its a good news! They say that life is full of surprises. We never know what’s going to happen next. We think we know but truly we don’t, therefore we try so hard to find security and comfort in life, that we “miss the life itself”. Our existence runs on […]
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About Me
I am a Psychologist, a Hatha Yoga Teacher and trained Yoga Monkey Massage Swing Teacher and a Life Mentor. I am also born Lucid Dreamer who advanced the skill throughout my lifelong practice as well as by receiving teachings from Lucid Dreaming teachers from different traditions, so I can now share my knowledge and realisations through Lucid Dreaming Coaching. I am passionate about Yoga, Holistic Psychology, Lucid Dreaming, Astral and Mental Projections, Dvaita and Advaita Philosophy, Health and Well-being, Art, Ecstatic Dance, Shamanism, Bio-energy Therapy, Alternative Medicine, Sacred Geometry and Quantum Physics.